Short: 2D-CAD-Program Author: Andreas Thiele Uploader: Andreas Thiele (thiele sz web de) Type: gfx/edit Version: 05/2024 Requires: PAL/RTG Architecture: m68k-amigaos ATcad MegaVersion: ------------------ 1.ATcad-PAL - DE-OLD (ADF-mod) 2.ATcad-SE - DE-EN (DXFout-update) 3.ATcad-KIT - EN-Lha (Full-update) Installation: ------------- Topaz 8 (or a similar font) selected as the system font. SE and KIT defaults to a 1280x720 8-bit (UAEGFX) screen. Use a tool like GetModeID to find the required rtg-mode. Attention/Achtung: ------------------ Use at your own Risk / Benutzung auf eigene Gefahr!!! No Liability / Es wird keine Haftung für Schäden übernommen!!! License / Lizenz: Freeware